Thursday, November 30, 2017

Published 1:13 PM by with 0 comment

7 Ways to Keep Your Site Alive

Once upon a dark, stormy night, when all was quiet, a lone web designer was designing away. He had Sketch open, a coffee nearby, and a cheerful tune in his wired earbuds, because Bluetooth is weird and has a delay that bugged the heck out of our Hero. Ahem, anyway… During a lull in the music, our intrepid designer saw a notification on his phone. It was an email from his favorite customer, and he...
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Published 1:10 PM by with 0 comment

5 Ways to Design With Accelerated Mobile Pages

The mobile web keeps growing at a rapid pace. Smartphones continue to sell strongly, with Apple alone forecasting to bring in $180 billion from its smartphones by 2021. There are over 224 million smartphone users in the United States, making the mobile web an essential focus for any website owner. The continued growth of mobile web users makes it important for designers and...
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Saturday, November 12, 2016

Published 11:41 AM by with 0 comment

Sega Mega Drive Console for High Quality Games

Mega Drive Console for High Quality Games Who doesn’t love gaming? It is hard to find anyone who really doesn’t like to play game. So, it is the hottest topic in current era. After the invention of personal computer, gaming becomes so popular that is near to a person. People who have...
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